You know when you go to the mountain and it is your first time trying to snow ski and you struggle and fight the slippery poles and face and you haven't even clicked your boots into the ski's, when a 7 year old kid whizzes past you like he was born on the darn things. Maybe it has happened to you with roller blading or skating? You are a mature adult who ran a firm with 120 staff and ships nationwide, certainly you can deal with a pair of skates? But up comes that six year old kid who flies past you on her skates and makes you feel a fool. Why are we talking about this?
Dating as a Baby Boomer can be very similar to being on the ski slope and having all the fearless under ten year olds whoosh past you at a great rate of knots. Not that your midpoint 10 year old is dating (yet). It's just the older we get the more we talk ourselves out of situations and run all the things that could go wrong and may hurt us through our minds. We commonly end up sitting in the warmth of the coffee shop watching all the fearless kids enjoying the snow while you have your very safe hot chocolate.
Roller Skates Shops
Sometimes, we just have to step out and get on those skis and feel the wind whip through our hair (if you have any left!) Let the adrenaline take you over and go with the rush of not knowing how this could end, rather than running all the what if's and why for's through your mind and never certainly doing anything.
Baby Boomer dating means that you are going to get out of your relieve zone. You may end up with a hurt heart through it all. You may even end up meeting man that you can share some astounding moments with. But, my point is, how would you ever know if you didn't take the plunge and just do it? Sometimes, because of life's experiences we can talk ourselves out of not certainly living the rest of our lives. If this sounds like you, then you need to take operate now before you have nothing but memories and regrets to fill your mind. I have included a combine of links below that I love to offer the Baby Boomers that come to me for advice. This seems to be a great help for them in looking the man that compliments their lifestyle.
Baby Boomer Dating is Like learning to Snow Ski?
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