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appealing Skateboard Facts

Here are seven thoughprovoking and unusual skateboarding facts that you can use to astound and impress your friends.

1. Of all active skateboarders in the United States of America, more than half live in the state of California.

Roller Skates Shops

2. Consider all the sports which are played and which are favorite in many distinct countries all over the world. Now, Consider this thoughprovoking fact: skateboarding is the sixth more favorite sport on the planet in terms of total participants.

3. Practically 100,000 people every year need some sort of healing rehabilitation for skateboard-related injuries. A majority of these injuries are a result of people not wearing or not using allowable safety equipment like helmets and pads. Ouch!

4. Speaking of injuries, can you guess which body part is injured more than any other while skateboarding? If you answered the wrist, give yourselves a big round of applause.

5. When skateboarding first began, it was referred to as sidewalk surfing. This is a direct reference to surfing, which is considered the founding performance of skateboarding.

6. You could never tell by the naked eye, but most common or favorite skateboard decks are surely made from seven separate pieces of plywood maple.

7. In the middle of 1978 and 1989, skateboards were banned in Norway. The speculate for the prohibition of skateboards was as a result of the high number of injuries that Norwegian skateboarders suffered.

If you ever find yourself on a quiz show, and one of the topics happens to be facts about skateboarding, then you'll be armed and ready with the knowledge needed to rejoinder just about any skateboarding inquire that's thrown your way.

appealing Skateboard Facts


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